In the Old Testament I read that the sins of Sodom caused the Lord to take them away. Some of their sins were pride, idleness, being haughty, and committing abominations before the Lord. Ezek. 16: 48-50 "As I live, saith the Lord God, Sodom thy sister hath not done, she nor her daughters, as thou hast done, thou and thy daughters. Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good."
In the D&C we read the sad story of James Covill. He accepted the word of the Lord with gladness and covenated to obey it. However, fear of persecution and the cares of the world then caused him to reject it and he broke his covenants. It's not only imporftant that we accept the gospel and make covenants to obey, but we need to be streadfast and endure to the end, not allowing anything to distract us or keep us from following the right path. D&C 40: 1-3 "Behold, verily I say unto you, that the heart of my servant James Covill was right before me, for he covenanted with me that he would obey my word. And he received the word with gladness, but straightway Satan tempted him; and the fear of persecution and the cares of the world caused him to reject the word. Wherefore he broke my covenant, and it remaineth with me to do with him as seemeth me good. Amen."
A verse with a thought booklet tells us that the nations of the earth are like a drop in the bucket or a small amount of dust on a scale. Nations rise and fall and their fame is temporary. Many nations that were on the globe when I was a child no longer exist. New ones have taken their place. Instead of worrying about what the nations and their leaders are up to, we need to trust in the Lord alone. His knowledge and power is greater than any nation. Isa. 40: 15 "Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing."
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